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Posts tagged “south beach

Who are those guys?

Chapter 2 - John and I walked toward Clive’s studio apartment surrounded by a comfortable silence that best friends can afford. The palm trees lining the sidewalks glistened under the street lamps. The mist slipped off the leaves like oil taking the light in each drop of dew. I even noticed the paw prints of a cat that had walked in the freshly poured concrete years before. I would have never remembered such things had I not gone up those old enamel-navy-blue-sun-bleached-rotted-out-soggy-wooden stairs.

DJ is

Chapter 4: That is what the DJ did. He was like a conductor ploughing emotions through us with the beat of his musical knowledge; one instant everything was calm, dreamy, melancholic and then BANG the rhythm accelerated until you were sure you could take no more and you gesticulated your limbs like you never thought possible.

Party turns.

Chapter 10 : We basked in a plethora of women during what came to be known, between John and me, as the Pussy Turns. We were kings. We had found the stone in the cake and we were chewing it until it cracked.

Wild Man

Chapter 34 : So my dear psychobabble Liam, I have enjoyed strutting along these sentences with you. I hope I have given you enough time to read this far. I’ll drop this off at your office tomorrow as I leave for a small road trip. I’ll call you in exactly two weeks when I’m blasting El Nino from the beginning. When the song reaches the life-turning threshold you will cease to exist and I will be on my way.

Hoberman dude # 3

. The thick slick haired Hoberman–sphere-holding-guy was near us expanding a universe between his fingers while a friend stared as if he was seeing the big bang and big crush at once.

Red lights.

Chapter 32: I wandered the streets and alleys like a mouse following the scent of cheese hovering over the labyrinth. Amidst the remnants of a Saturday night washed up on the shores of a Sunday morning I found more reasons to end my existence. The crippled beggar wheeling himself between red lights was still there. Nothing had changed. In spite of the early morning commotion of South Beach a man lay sleeping on the concrete sidewalk with one arm as a pillow and the other extended with an open palm looking for donations.

Ocean Drive Party

Chapter 33: I couldn’t tell if it was the green pills or if he was a good storyteller, but his words made me feel like I was part of the story. I sympathized the most when he started with “And then they sent me to a dance bar in Topeka...”


. I looked quickly up and down the street to find John but was distracted by the shoeshine glitter of well-waxed automobiles parading down the strip among a swarm of revellers that were making their way home or to some after-hours club. It was Gucci meets the gutter as a svelte woman hunched over and threw up on the side of the street.


The Miamillennium was the biggest club on the beach and it was still too small.

Dancing Girl

The dancing high was so good it imbedded itself in my very being. Every atom of every molecule in my body was swarmed with the sensation.


chapter 12 : John and I didn’t understand at the time how we could have the memories of the past life-turns and not the scars. For example, at life-turn number eighteen we got tattoos on our shoulders. They were not there in the next life-turn but we could remember them. You think I am old and senile. The whole thing would have screwed up your mind for sure; I have seen that in the way you hold your coffee mug.

Fan Chill

Chapter 20 : The commotion was taking place in a second floor public lounge where black fake-leathered sofas where ravers could chill lined a wall. That’s when I saw the biggest punk having what I presumed was an epileptic seizure but it was the baseball shot to the head that had wrecked havoc on his eardrum. I did not know the implication of such an event at the time but I do now.

Buckyball Cover before software tweaks.

No quotes for this photo. I've been saving it for my first subscriber. Thanks missindependant. This is the picture I used for the cover of Buckyball. it' flipped upside down and heavily sifted through software.

hoberman dude part 2

Around us, the revellers were jumping up and down like out-of-sync pistons with the implosion of the rhythmic beat. We saw the same white underwear flipping to and fro as the gyroscope spun above our heads. The thick slick haired Hoberman–sphere-holding-guy was near us expanding a universe between his fingers while a friend stared as if he was seeing the big bang and big crush at once. Michelle was grinding with Charlotte in a dancing twosome. In a flash we had scanned the whole place and in a heartbeat we had established the fact that it was still Saturday the 11th of June 2005.

The kids.

Chapter 26 -- They were still at it although now they were known as The Kneecap Thieves. Through the summer they had robbed four banks to great publicity. Although they had never killed anyone, several people had been wounded. They assumed they would eventually turn and all would be healed and forgotten. I also knew the gunman.

what the ….

He had never rolled gnocchi in his life but once I showed him how, he was like a factory and we became good friends. He also initiated me to the art of cliff climbing. It became a passion that I never knew I had. I always thought I was strong and healthy enough that I could tackle any sport with a degree of competence but cliff climbing bruised that ego.

Everyone loves the DJ.

She loved to hum “Dha Dhoo Rum Rum” every time I passed behind her. It drove me crazy and she knew it. When I confronted her, she told me I reminded her of Shaun Cassidy. “Who the fuck is Shaun Cassidy?” I said. They were not used to foul language in that kitchen either. “Look it up fly boy.” That’s what she said. I had no idea whether I supposed to look up Cassidy or fly boy.

feeling good, looking good.

For those few nascent life-turns we were the masters of the world, Gods unto ourselves. That’s how I felt sitting in that lounge at four in the morning. I had my arms outstretched to welcome the whole sensation. I owned you and your brother’s attitude.

club art 2

We held the Buckyballs up in front of our eyes as if we were checking the clarity of a diamond and then popped them in our mouths all at once. They were jagged little fuckers.

Oh Ya!

We soaked up the song through our limbs and the leftover Buckyball breeze until the belly button sensation grabbed us and we turned.


Chapter 30: One minute I was a convict slash mental patient locked up for life in an asylum in 2017 and the next I am free among the revellers of June the 12th 2005. I was twenty-five once again and I blew up.


Chapter 4: The Miamillennium was the biggest club on the beach and it was still too small. We had to force our way to our reserved table. One of the known snags of doing Ecstasy was it depended on your immediate mood and for some first time users the fear of brain damage jettisons them into a tail-spin-inner-phobia-paranoia.


Chapter 19: The cops were discreet. They took me out through the back door and into the alley where they enjoyed pushing me so I would lose my balance and fall forward onto my torso. I deserved some of it. On the last shove, I fell and broke my nose against the pavement. Then they sat me in their patrol car on Collins for everyone to see.

buck breeze

Chapter 5: . Clive was like a veteran DJ moving the crowd into a frenetic dancing beat and then slowing it down to a soothing pace. It was during a crescendo rhythm that I felt a leftover Buckyball breeze. My ears popped with a quick snap like the sound of a cracking bone and then it felt like a non-stop ride one way down a roller-coaster.